Faking Pregnancy for Adoption

I would like to share my experience of faking pregnancy for an adoption while it is still fresh in my mind. Due to a medical condition, my husband and I decided to adopt and we wanted to keep our adoption a secret.

I was so excited to announce that I was pregnant. The silicone bellies looked so real, but to be honest I was questioning myself, could I actually fool everyone into believing that I was pregnant for a full nine months?

Well it didn’t take long for coworkers to notice. In the first week of wearing it a coworker told me I was starting to show, and it was easier for me to down-play it and deny it that first week. I was more concerned about my frequent bathroom breaks and faking sickness.

By the second trimester the belly had become part of me and a lot more comfortable to wear but I had to make my breasts appear larger; I was excited to announce around week twenty that I felt my baby kick for the first time.

I even wore my belly in the swimming pool; you just have to make sure that your shoulder straps are not showing. Getting out of the pool I felt the extra weight I was carrying. My husband thought the belly looked very natural in a wet swim suit.

At first it was hard to wear clothes that made me look larger in my second trimester.

To start my third trimester I went to a maternity store to buy clothes, I also had to make my breasts appear larger again. I did notice the extra weight of the larger belly and was relieved to take it off when I got home each evening.

Towards the end I was concerned that others would realize it was fake because everyone wants to touch the large belly. I did let a couple of people touch it and to my relief they had no idea.

Also my neighbor caught a glimpse of my belly when I was reaching for something. I was so scared when she mentioned that she had seen my belly. She had no idea it was fake.

So in closing, I will say that they look and feel very real and I’m thrilled that we went down this route. Now we have our new bundle of joy, a girl.

I wish you the best of luck with your adoption and remember that it is possible. Just be strong and you will get there.


Best wishes,