Do You Really Want to Put Your Health at Risk

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure where a surgeon places silicone, saline or other breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue. Like all surgical procedures it comes with huge risks and potential complications that you have to be prepared for if you have decided to take this route.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning stating that the implants are safe as long as the recipient understands that they come with complications.

Within the first three years after the procedure, approximately eight out of ten women experience at least one complication from the huge list you have already seen on our page.

Capsular Contracture

You will be an exception if you do not experience capsular contracture. It is one of the complications you can’t avoid. Your body wants to heal itself by creating a capsule of fibrous scar tissue all around the breast implant naturally. As time goes by the scar starts shrinking which can cause your breast to be hard, causing you pain and discomfort. Hopefully, everything will be fine but most women have to undergo further surgery to fix the problem.


Rupture is another unavoidable issue. Implant shells become week over time causing the implant to break. You just can’t predict when it will happen. It can be two months after the procedure or ten years. All implants eventually break causing a lot of health and money problems for the recipient.


Breast scars are a surgical inevitability for all women but their degree varies. For some women scars can be a painful, red color and have a really thick appearance. Scars will eventually disappear after a few years if you are prepared to wait that long.


Asymmetry is still a big problem which involves the two breasts taking on differing shapes and sizes, and ultimately looking unnatural. This problem can’t be fixed with diet or exercise; additional surgery is required.

Breast Cancer

Breast implants can cause a cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma but the chance of contracting it based on recent studies is very small. Yet, it remains a big concern for women who have already survived breast cancer and in these cases we recommend avoiding breast augmentation surgery at all costs.

Delayed Cancer Diagnosis

Data gathered over the past 10 years shows that some women with breast implants have been diagnosed with later stage cancer. Because of the breast surgery, the cancer treatment is not so effective and this can ultimately result in death.

There is also a study showing that women who have had breast implants for more than 12 years are at a higher risk of dying from brain tumors or lung cancer compared to other plastic surgery patients.

Breast Surgery Requires Lifetime Maintenance

Breast implants are not designed to last for a lifetime and most women face complications in regards to size or shape which leads them to further surgery in order to adjust or change the implant.